About us
HDP’s staff is comprised of both healthcare and real estate executives.
Our knowledge and experience in these industries allows us to create tailored development programs and services that meet the client’s needs. Our Guaranteed Price Program is designed to meet the needs of the provider by transferring the risks inherently associated with any real estate development project to HDP. In the event that the project exceeds the Guaranteed Maximum Price or the construction schedule, HDP will assume full financial liability and risk for project cost overages
HDP was formed in 1994 in Chicago.
Todd Bryant initially formed HDP as a true “at-risk” development firm of healthcare facilities, offering construction management, project management, property management, acquisition, and physical leasing services. Since then, HDP has successfully developed more than $1.5 billion in healthcare real estate for a variety of clients.
Over the past 20 plus years, our clients have included independent hospitals and hospital systems, both for-profit and not-for-profit, in rural and urban locations, and physician groups. Though clients vary in size and location, our approach has remained constant. HDP started, and remains, an at-risk real estate developer. Our history and experience have created a set of design and development specifications that are the benchmark for efficient healthcare facilities.